Spiritual Direction

What it is:

Spiritual Direction is help provided to people who want to deepen their connection with God and to enrich their prayer life. This involves “listening to one’s life” by becoming more aware of God’s loving presence and activity in their daily life. Private, confidential sessions with a qualified person are usually scheduled on a monthly basis. These sessions involve sharing one’s experience of God in daily life and attempting to see how one is being called by God to grow in relationship with self, God, others and the world. The director is primarily a listener and one who encourages a meaningful connection with God.

For those who do not have a definite prayer practice, the director will be available to suggest forms of prayer and provide related materials to assist the “Seeker.” A commitment to regular personal prayer, journaling and the desire to grow inwardly are essential components.

Initial conversations are free of charge. Future offerings for this professional service will be discussed at that time. As with all of our ministries, we do not want financial hardship to prevent anyone from participating.

Photo by Stephanie Romiti

Discerning God’s Presence:

Spiritual Direction encourages you to explore a closer relationship with God. In the midst of a busy life, many people find it difficult to notice God’s action in their daily affairs. Yet at the deepest level, all of us long for a more conscious experience of God’s presence and love.

In Spiritual Direction, you reflect deeply on the experiences of your daily life. Gradually, as you come to quiet and listen, you may begin to recognize God’s presence and grace in your life. You may come to realize how God’s Spirit is truly with you every day and everywhere. You come to discover that God has been waiting for you to seek this closer relationship.

Benefits of Spiritual Direction:

You might come to Spiritual Direction for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to:

  • Begin to pray or deepen your prayer life.

  • Identify and trust your own experiences of God.

  • Integrate spirituality into your daily life.

  • Discern and make difficult choices.

  • Share your hope, struggles, and losses.

  • Develop a sensitivity for justice and concern for the poor.

  • Live the essence of your spiritual affiliation with integrity.

  • Grow more and more into your true self.