Honest to God Prayer (Groff)


Maybe you're praying and you don't even know it.
For those who are turned off by shopworn religious language, this unique guide to prayer offers outside - the - box ways to pray in four movements that parallel morning, noon, afternoon and night.
Prayer as Awareness: Waking up to reality - opening
Prayer as Empowerment: Embracing your dreams and possibilities - expanding
Prayer as Relinquishment: Letting go of attachments - emptying
Prayer as Paradox: Uniting the opposites of life - integrating
Prayer practices for each of the four themes provide a feast of personal and group enrichment to leaven life at home, work, and in formal programs and informal friendships.
Whether you're advanced or just starting on your spiritual path, this practical prayer path breaker will lure you in with its novel combination of real - life stories, pithy thoughts and primal metaphors from varied spiritual streams. It interweaves the author's own vulnerable experience to say: this is honest to God spirituality and I'm seeing myself.

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