Remember Lot's Wife (Yamasaki)
Given the importance of names in the Bible, it's all the more striking to discover how many names are missing from its pages--particularly the names of women. By uncovering the significant roles played by many anonymous women in the Bible, April Yamasaki offers an important perspective on women's issues in Bible studies. The book explores the stories of fifty unnamed women, each highlighted with a Scripture reference, prose reflection, meditation focus, and prayer.
Given the importance of names in the Bible, it's all the more striking to discover how many names are missing from its pages--particularly the names of women. By uncovering the significant roles played by many anonymous women in the Bible, April Yamasaki offers an important perspective on women's issues in Bible studies. The book explores the stories of fifty unnamed women, each highlighted with a Scripture reference, prose reflection, meditation focus, and prayer.
Given the importance of names in the Bible, it's all the more striking to discover how many names are missing from its pages--particularly the names of women. By uncovering the significant roles played by many anonymous women in the Bible, April Yamasaki offers an important perspective on women's issues in Bible studies. The book explores the stories of fifty unnamed women, each highlighted with a Scripture reference, prose reflection, meditation focus, and prayer.